First, do not start writing your article before pitching your idea. It is best practice when writing for The Conversation to submit a pitch and have it accepted before beginning your writing process. This allows you to discuss your research and article ideas with an editor beforehand, saving you (and them) lots of time on potential revisions.
Before outlining the ideas for your pitch, conduct a keyword search to read what The Conversation has already published. This can help you figure out what gap your article would fill, as well as giving you the feel of the writing style being sought out.
There are generally three types of articles that The Conversation is looking for:
Articles that are relevant now—providing timely, evidence-based analysis of current issues
Articles that will be relevant in the future, breaking down new research for a non-expert audience to read about
Articles that are “timeless,” providing plain English explanations of complex issues that are generally misunderstood or not well-understood
FIU Research in The Conversation
Read some recent articles written by FIU researchers for The Conversation.
Ready to get started?
Pitch an idea.
FIU’s Office of Media Relations and Communications is here to help you brainstorm ideas and craft a pitch for The Conversation.
If you have any questions not answered in our FAQ, please reach out to Madeline Baró, director of media relations, at or Angela Nicoletti, science communicator, at